State Minimum Auto Insurance

State Minimum Auto Insurance

January 1st, 2018 brings not just a new year, but a big change to the auto insurance world in the state of Connecticut. Public Act 17-114 becomes effective January 1st, 2018 which increases the state mandated minimum liability limits from 20,000 per person, 40,000 per accident, and 10,000 for property damage to 25,000 per person, […]

Flood Insurance

Most homeowners think that they should only get flood insurance if they live next to a body of water or when flood insurance is required by a lender for a home purchase. However, everyone should consider purchasing a flood insurance policy. Generally speaking, as soon as water hits the ground, it becomes a flood damage […]

Being Covered for Ride Sharing

Did you know that if you participate in ride sharing such as Uber or Lyft you may not be covered for liability and/or physical damage losses under your current personal auto insurance? Furthermore, if your current personal auto insurance carrier finds out you ride share for Uber and/or Lyft, they might non-renew your policy. Although […]

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

With hurricane season about to hit its peak, it is important to know that 2017 will bring an above average number of storms compared to prior years. Historically, Connecticut’s peak season starts in mid-to-late August and runs through October, but people don’t realize that major storms could happen at any moment. A total of 15 […]

Why Are My Auto Insurance Rates Increasing?

This is a question everyone is asking themselves and their insurance carriers these days and they have good reason to. Rates have been increasing steadily in every single state for every driver for over 5 years now and everyone wants to know why? Even people with spotless driving records and no claims are experiencing increased […]

5 Rules Every Landlord Should Live By

landlord insurance in North Haven STATE | Trager Reznitsky Insurance

I’m pretty confident that if you asked anyone who has ever owned a rental property you would get an overwhelming response that it’s not as lucrative or easy as they thought it would be. In fact, owning a rental property can be a major pain, and end up costing you a ton of money! I […]

Will my credit rating change my insurance rates?

credit health and insurance in North Haven STATE | Trager Reznitsky Insurance

I was recently asked this question by one of our Trager Reznitsky Insurance clients, and thought I would share the answer here for our readers. There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates, one of them being credit. I’ve heard a lot of complaints from people who don’t like the […]

10 Essential Items to Store in Your Vehicle

Storing the proper items in your car can make a huge difference in the case of an emergency. The following 10 essential items are small enough to easily keep within a compact space in your trunk and can come in handy while on the road. First-Aid Kit – Make your own first-aid kit or purchase a […]

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